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HRMS features for businesses


Introduction is an integrated, scalable and flexible cloud-based HRMS solution that helps organizations maintain their employee data across multiple platforms. With a comprehensive set of features, the 10hrms solution has been designed with the sole purpose of providing businesses with a complete suite of tools to run their business smoothly.


Recruitment is the first step in the HRMS process. It’s where you look for candidates and bring them on board. Recruitment can be done by recruitment agencies, or directly by your company.

It may be that you want to advertise for a new employee, or it could be that someone has recommended someone who would be perfect for your business. Either way, finding the right person for your business is essential so it’s important that you do this effectively and efficiently!


On-boarding is the process of introducing new employees to the company. This can be done via an onboarding video, which provides a general overview of what you do at work and how your job fits into the bigger picture. You may also want to include an orientation schedule or guide for new hires on how they should be spending their time during the first few weeks at your company.

On-boarding videos are typically recorded in person by someone who has been trained in delivering them (like a human resources professional). If recording isn’t possible, it’s still important that this step happens before someone begins working at your company because efficiency will go down if people don’t know where things are located or what they’re responsible for doing on a daily basis

Employee Self-Service (ESS)

Employee Self-Service (ESS) is a web-based system that allows employees to view their own information, such as pay, benefits, and time off. It’s often used in conjunction with HRIS (Human Resource Information System).

Employees can update their own records on ESS by logging into the system from home or from any device that has internet access. They can also request time off through ESS; this feature is useful for managers who don’t have time to manually approve requests for leave during busy times at work.

Work reporting

Work reporting is a way to track the progress of work across multiple projects, teams and departments. It can be used to show how much time has been spent on each project by team members, what stage they are at and whether there is any remaining time before completion.

Work reporting also lets you see if any issues or problems have arisen during the project so that you can address them quickly.

Online payroll

Online payroll is a system that allows employees to view their pay statements online. It can also be used to make tax and pension contributions, make deductions for childcare and other benefits, or make deductions for student loans.

If you run a small business with just one employee on your payroll (or even if you don’t), it’s worth looking into the benefits of setting up an online payroll system. Your employees will appreciate not having to wait in line at their local bank branch every time they want to check their latest pay stubs!

Time and attendance tracking

Time tracking is an important part of HR, especially when it comes to payroll. The time spent by employees can be used for employee performance reviews and other internal audits. Time tracking also helps with compliance issues, such as ensuring that employees are meeting their minimum wage requirements under federal law. Finally, time tracking helps employers keep track of how much time each employee spends doing work related tasks so they can make sure they’re getting paid accordingly (for example: if someone spends more than 40 hours per week at the office but doesn’t do any actual work).

Time tracking can also help improve employee satisfaction by allowing managers get a better idea of what their team is doing during their shifts—and whether or not those hours are spent productively or not! This information can then be used to make changes where necessary so that everyone is happy with their job duties (and maybe even happier about being employed).

Performance management

Performance management is a key part of an employee’s career development. A company that doesn’t have performance management in place will find it difficult to identify employees who are performing well and those who aren’t, which can lead to poor morale and even lower productivity.

Performance management also helps ensure that your employees are working at their best, so you’ll know if there’s something going wrong or if they need any additional training or support. This way, you can provide them with the resources they need to be successful!

Benefits administration

Benefits administration is a function that helps employees and their families manage their benefits. It can include health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, and 401k plans.

Benefits administration is an important part of employee engagement because it gives employees the ability to choose what they want in regards to coverage at work as well as control over their own personal finances. Employees will feel more invested in your company when they have access to these types of benefits administration tools because it allows them to make decisions about how they use money on behalf of themselves or others within your company who may be more financially vulnerable than others (for example: retirees).

Training and development

Training and development is an important part of your business, but it can be difficult to find the right resources. If you’re looking for onsite or off-site training, we’ve got you covered! We offer a variety of programs that will help employees learn new skills or improve their existing ones. Whether you want training in Excel or Salesforce (or both), we can help.


Appraisals are an important part of business. They allow you to measure your employees’ performance, and they help you identify areas where improvement is needed.

  • Why are appraisals important?
  • How do I write a good appraisal?
  • How do I give an appraisal?
  • What happens if we disagree on the value of his or her work? Knowledge is power—and that’s especially true when it comes to improving your skills as an employer/manager.


Off-boarding is the process of removing an employee from a company. It can be the result of resignation or termination, and it’s important to handle off-boarding properly.


HRMS is the best cloud-based solution for all HR management needs. Also includes actual work reporting and performance management. HRMS is a complete solution that covers all aspects of HR, from recruitment to payroll, training and development, benefits administration, employee engagement and management, employee relations, staff scheduling and timekeeping. The system also provides users with access to online tools such as job postings, salary benchmarking and employee performance management.

From the HRMS team to your business, we’re excited about the potential for these features and we hope you will be too. If you want to give our product a try, just reach out to us at or check out our website for more information about how to get started today!

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